Words for describing snow are listed here in alphabetical order and grouped by starting letter.
Starting with A: ankle-deep
B: blinding
C: cold, compacted, crystalline
D: deep, dense, dirty
E: ?
F: fine, fresh
G: granular
H: hard, heavy
I: icy
J: ?
K: knee-deep
L: light, loose
M: melted
N: new, newly-fallen
O: old
P: packed, powdery, pristine, pure
Q: ?
R: ?
S: slushy, soft, sparkling
T: ?
U: undisturbed
V: virgin
W: wet, white, wind-driven
X: ?
Y: yellow
Z: ?
Hope these adjectives about snow helped, and perhaps take a look at our other winter related posts. If I missed some words you can add them in the comments section.
Are any words missing from the above list? You can add them here. Thanks!